Monday, March 4, 2019

India's own DNS:This step will protect you from malware, phishing attacks.

That is correct Indian Government will soon launch a public Domain Name Server (DNS) specifically for Indian users. The move is being made by the government to provide faster and more secure internet browsing. Indian DNS will target to make sure that the user data stays locally stored instead of going to foreign institutes. It will provide credible DNS service to small Internet Service Providers (ISPs) who can’t afford to have one.
In an official release on 22nd Feb, the Ministry of Electronics & IT, said, "MeitY will soon be implementing the Public Domain Name Server for India. NIC would be configuring the setup which would be offered to all citizens."

What Is DNS?
A DNS is like a directory or table for internet which inter-relates domain names with hosting server’s IP address. Domain name is easy for users to remember and computers only understand IP addresses. DNS services make website loading speed faster. In case the DNS server slows down or stops responding then the user won’t be able to access internet websites using domain names. Quit confusing; let’s understand this through an example

When you surf the internet, you just type its name like ‘’, ‘’. You don’t type its hosted computer’s IP address but, the computer can only understand the IP to get you connected. There comes the DNS. It let’s your search engine understand which website you are looking for by providing the hosted computer’s IP, through given domain names.

Government Of India is Launching Its Own DNS Fast & Safe Browsing
The ministry has said that the aim of bringing India's own public DNS is to help small internet service providers (ISPs) who do not have their own credible DNS. Other big providers like the Google (Google Public DNS) have their own DNS. 
Now, most of the readers would be wondering if this new technology is going to help the government in blocking content and enhance surveillance well for which you must know that government doesn’t need any DNS to block content they can do that easily by instructing the ISP. If the government wants to block a website, it has a mechanism in place. It can send a list to the ISPs for reasons such as child porn or fake news, and they have to comply with the order.
When a person uses a public DNS, it accesses and uses all their data. The government's system will stop users from visiting malicious websites, hence keeping them away from cyber criminals. 
The roll out of the public DNS is expected to be completed in the next four to six months. The NIC is currently using the public DNS within the government network. The government has said users will be free to shift to the India public DNS. They also have plans to make Indian citizens aware of online security and usage of DNS if they would like to shift to Indian DNS.
Wrapping up, I would say the educating citizens about online security and privacy is an amazing idea, but being skeptical myself of governments’ surveillance tactics I am not sure how the data will be used by the Government of India. But it is quite clear that the user data will become very easy for the Indian government to access.


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